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Programmā “Ievads draudzes padomdošanā”

Kalpošanas pieredze

2022 – 2022

Latvijas Bībeles centra Krīzes centra vadītāja

2019 – 2021

Konsultantu apmācības projekta koordinatore sadarbībā ar OIC un Kijevas teoloģisko semināru

2016 – 2023

Reliģiskās draudzes “Dzīvā cerība” konsultants, psihologs

2017 – 2019

Reliģiskās kopienas “Kristus baznīca” sekretārs




Psychological peculiarities of varying religious positions in the work of a psychologist with religious people. The humanitarian and innovative perspective of professional craftsmanship: searches of young students: materials of the VI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, Odesa, 13 leaf fall, 2020. – Odessa: International Humanitarian University, 2020. – 200 p.


The role of a psychologist in the service of trusting the Protestant Church in the context of soul-searching activity. The X International Science Conference “Topical issues, achievements and innovations of fundamental and applied sciences”, March 09 – 12, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal. 340p.