The Latvian Biblical Centre provides a Library and a reading room, with over 8000+ books, and numbers are increasing.

Here you can search for a book among checked-in books of our library by it’s author or by title.

If you would like to check out a book to read at home or find out if it is available, please text us (during business hours) or call +371 27036637.


Our Library has a modern system of literature classification where books get classified by the ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Contents of each shelf are arranged in accordance with the international DDC classification (Dewey Decimal Classification).

Books available are primarily in Latvian, Russian and English, but there are also some readings in German, Hebrew, Greek and other languages.


Students may use the library books for LBC projects as well as for personal and ministry enrichment. Books should always be properly checked out and returned on time, after approximately a 2 week period, so that others may also use them. Library staff will provide further information as needed.



Classroom courses/lectures are filmed in Latvian and Russian. If the student was absent and missed a specific course, or wants to view it again, they should formally request the video recording via email.



Various groups and ministries use LBC facilities for other helpful seminars, conferences and miscellaneous events. Students are always invited to participate in the seminars that they think would be beneficial to their ministry.



During the studies at LBC, students of specific programs will need to choose/find a mentor to support them in their spiritual growth and ministry. Mentors can be in leadership/pastor roles, a mature Christian from a local church. LBC can also help facilitate a search for a qualified mentor for the student.


If you would like to receive any of LBC’s resources, please send your request via email.