Scripture-Based Learning for Everyone!
Located in the heart of Latvia, our Centre is a hub for spiritual growth and learning.
We are dedicated to helping you grow in faith and deepen your knowledge of the Bible.
We invite you to Study with Us!
Scroll down and find the one that suits you best!
Christian Foundations
- Individually using prepared Handbooks.
Printed or digital via E-learning.
- For those who want to understand what Christianity is and what it means to be a Christian;
- For those who are taking their first steps in Christianity and want to know and learn more about it.
- Individually
- In Study Groups – only in Latvian and Russian.
Optimally within 1 – 1,5 years
- English
- Latvian
- Russian
- Only via Distance Learning
This is a comprehensive program designed for new Christians and seekers of God. The program includes 6 courses, each focusing on a different aspect of the Christian faith.
This program is created to provide foundation in the Christian faith and equip participants with the tools they need to grow in their relationship with God.
Theology and Ministry
- Classroom and video lectures
- Presentations
- Handouts
- Mentoring
- To anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of God’s Word; to grow in a relationship with God and to develop a godly character.
- Those who are involved in ministry: small group leaders, Sunday school teachers, chaplains, employees of Christian organizations, etc.
- Listeners can also attend this Program.
- In-person in the classroom
- Individual studies
- In small groups
2 academic years:
- Classes – 247 academic hours
- Self-study – 165 academic hours
- Total – 418 academic hours
- English
- Latvian
- Russian
- Via Distance learning with an individually tailored plan optimally within 2 years.
- In small groups; group members agree on the frequency of the meetings.
This is a comprehensive program designed for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of God’s Word and develop a godly character. Courses in this program offer a general overview of all the books of the Bible and lessons in theology. It is ideal for those involved in ministry, such as small group leaders, Sunday school teachers, chaplains, and employees of Christian organizations.
Family Truths
- Classroom and video lectures
- Presentations
- Handouts
- For couples and those who want to build a healthy and strong family.
- In-person in the classroom
- Individual studies
1 year
- Latvian
- Russian
Not available
This new program offers practical skills and knowledge on key aspects of family life based on God’s Word and His wonderful plan of perfection. You’ll learn how to deal with relationship challenges, explore topics about intimacy, parenting, conflict resolution, and more. Anyone who has a family, plans to create a family or wants to learn more about family values and principles based on the Word of God is invited to participate in this program.
Christianity, Work and Society
- Classroom lectures
- Video lectures
- E-Learning resources
- Handbook
- This program is designed for Christian workers and professionals of all levels.
- In-person in the classroom,
- In small groups.
1 year / 108 academic hours
- Latvian
- Russian
This program aims to equip Christian workers, both young and mature, and seekers of God, with a biblical understanding of how their work and workplace are a vital part of the ministry entrusted to them by God. It seeks to promote change in workplace culture and values, relationships, and overall transformation. Courses will enable students to read the Bible with a “marketplace” perspective and help integrate their faith into all areas of life, including professional growth and development.
Introduction to Church Counseling
- Online lectures and discussion groups
- Video lectures
- Presentations
- Handouts
This introductory program is designed for anyone in the church who wants to help others in the field of counseling. It is not a professional counseling course, but rather focuses on equipping participants with the skills and knowledge needed to serve others in the church and beyond.
- In-person in the classroom
- Individual studies
- In small groups
1 year / 126 academic hours
- Latvian
- Russian
Students participate online, however, they have to be present for the sessions as the training is also done through discussion groups during the live classes.
This introductory program is designed for anyone in the church who wants to help others in the field of counseling. It is not a professional counseling course, but rather focuses on equipping participants with the skills and knowledge needed to serve others in the church and beyond. The objective of the program is to provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge, incorporating biblical principles and effective counseling techniques.
School of Preachers
- Classroom lectures – one weekend approximately every 3 months.
- Small group meetings once a month with curated assignments.
- Preachers and pastors,
- Church leaders with potential in preaching,
- Listeners can also attend this Program.
Individually and in working groups
2 years / 150 academic hours
- Latvian
- Russian
- English
This program is suitable for preachers and pastors, as well as church leaders with potential in preaching. It provides training and development in preaching skills, techniques, and strategies to help participants become more effective communicators of the Word of God. The program is aimed at boosting preaching confidence, clarity, impact, and helps become more effective in their ministry roles.